Wednesday, May 28, 2014

ice bathes... just like a swim in the ocean

I first read about ice baths on never(home) maker's blog. With my runs getting longer and faster I really need one to help my legs recover. The cold water refreshes my legs and negates the dreaded doms. 

That said - it is not easy to plunge yourself in. Just keep telling yourself that it's like going for a swim in the ocean ;-) Well, the ocean where I live anyways - not the Hawaiian ocean. Some things that help get me through:
  1. a cozy sweatshirt
  2. fingerless gloves
  3. cup of tea
  4. candle for the illusion of warmth
  5. phone to watch the time / distract myself with instagram
  6. positive thoughts
Here's what I do: fill the tub with cold water until it just covers your legs. No need to actually add ice. Sit for 10 min. I usually take a shower right after. I've read that you're supposed to wait 30-60min but it doesn't seem to make a difference for me.

How do you recover from a hard workout?

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