The first week of the bikini series is coming to an end. How did you do? Did you stick to your goals? Did you make progress with your workouts? What are you most proud of?
We got back from a blissful 2 week holiday in Maui last week. I had the best intentions to give myself a day to recover from the redeye and then get right back into the workouts, meal prepping, etc. Welp just that didn't happen. I couldn't find the energy - and I know, "get moving and the energy will come..." Turns out I needed a week to recover. How do those people get themselves back into the gym the next day!?
I have been on track with my nutrition. Okay, there still have been a few treats, but it's no longer an everyday thing. Something that has helped me from slipping back into vacation mode is my vision board. As part of the Bikini Series K&K have challenged us to make a vision board. I'd made digital ones in the past but that just doesn't cut it. I need to see the images everyday. They act as a reminder of what I want to achieve, how I want to feel and what I need to do to get there. These photos are now tucked into the frame of my bedroom mirror so I can see them first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
The 3 things I want to accomplish by the end of the bikini series are:
- feel comfortable in my skin
- consistently practiced healthy habits
- feel energized every day!
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